Modernización10 Government Secretariat vacancies
Monday May 20, 2019
Government Secretariat ModernizaciónBúsqueda Interministerial - COD.
SMOD90Vacantes: 10 area: General Document Management ElectrónicaSi are
looking forward to a change in your professional development within the
National Public Administration, and believe that this position may be the
opportunity you were looking for, we postulate that you meet cuenta.Deberás
following requirements:
Job responsibility:
Corrective and ongoing monitoring of electronic document management system
Main activities:
Documenting the adjustments made in the document management system
Electrónica.Proponer technical solutions for the different regulations and
procedures that wish to change in the document management system
Electrónica.Reportar and manage errors detected in the Electronic Document
Management System provider defined for tasks evolutionary and corrective
Knowledge and experience required:
Degree in cursoSistemas / TecnologíaAños experience: 4-6Destreza:
MedioRango age: 18 to 65 years
HML, SQL, JS, Other
Additional data:
Employment Type: Time completoSexo: Working IndistintoLugar: Peru 143
Monday May 20, 2019
Government Secretariat ModernizaciónBúsqueda Interministerial - COD.
SMOD90Vacantes: 10 area: General Document Management ElectrónicaSi are
looking forward to a change in your professional development within the
National Public Administration, and believe that this position may be the
opportunity you were looking for, we postulate that you meet cuenta.Deberás
following requirements:
Job responsibility:
Corrective and ongoing monitoring of electronic document management system
Main activities:
Documenting the adjustments made in the document management system
Electrónica.Proponer technical solutions for the different regulations and
procedures that wish to change in the document management system
Electrónica.Reportar and manage errors detected in the Electronic Document
Management System provider defined for tasks evolutionary and corrective
Knowledge and experience required:
Degree in cursoSistemas / TecnologíaAños experience: 4-6Destreza:
MedioRango age: 18 to 65 years
HML, SQL, JS, Other
Additional data:
Employment Type: Time completoSexo: Working IndistintoLugar: Peru 143