So said the head of the national agro-industrial portfolio by closing the
Congress TrigAr 2019.
Friday June 7, 2019
Government Secretary of Agribusiness of the Nation, Luis Miguel
Etchevehere, today closed the 1st International Congress TrigAr2019, held
in the city of Córdoba, and said that this meeting "emerged from the
dialogue, the passion that we put him to we do ", adding that" the
solutions ordered today are heard by all participants in the chain, what
will happen in the future with wheat is in our hands, the challenges are
immense but the strength of the group is unbeatable " .
He stressed that "from 2015, when the government changed, all the obstacles
that prevented the development of wheat were eliminated. This resulted in
an increase in planted area and production, unlike a past that was based on
a closed view of the economy, which resulted in the worst production of
this crop in decades ".
In that sense, Etchevehere stressed that "from that moment began a long
work by reinserting Argentina in the world, without imposing anything, all
working at the same table, looking for a link between the public and
private sectors to move forward on things that seemed impossible, like 3
record harvests, as bitrenes such as Safe Harvest program, such as
diversification of export markets. this is why we have to continue working
together to achieve a better future. "
Closing Panel on Institutional Innovation and Sustainable Development
participated ministers of Agriculture of Córdoba, Sergio Busso;
Agribusiness in the province of Buenos Aires, Leonardo Sarquís; and
Secretary of Agriculture of Santa Fe, Juan Manuel Medina.
Mesa del Trigo
Before closing, the Secretary of Agribusiness led a new Bureau meeting
Competitiveness Trigo, where he said that "this is the way, no doubt. If
there was progress is because we listen to each other in the same area
because it suggests that you want to chain and project seeks common
ground "and concluded that" are all things that we face no magic solutions,
but building together, so it is necessary to get broader goals to lead the
wheat chain to a future better".
During the meeting, which was also attended by Secretary of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries, Guillermo Bernaudo; Undersecretary of Agriculture,
Luis Urriza; and the Director of Agriculture, Ignacio Garciarena; He
discussed the possibility of creating a national brand wheat; on a legal
framework for the activity (Seed Act; Good Agricultural Practices and
Fertilizer Act) and the importance of generating a map of sampling and
product quality.
In addition, Undersecretary of Agricultural Markets, Jesus Silveyra, gave
an overview on the current state of negotiations that are carried out for
opening new markets and subsequently issues related to value added and to
the image of derivative products were analyzed; commercial informality; and
finally the question of price and quality of wheat was addressed.
The meeting was attended by industry associations, chambers of commerce,
representatives of the AFIP, Senasa, and ministers of the producing
Congress TrigAr 2019.
Friday June 7, 2019
Government Secretary of Agribusiness of the Nation, Luis Miguel
Etchevehere, today closed the 1st International Congress TrigAr2019, held
in the city of Córdoba, and said that this meeting "emerged from the
dialogue, the passion that we put him to we do ", adding that" the
solutions ordered today are heard by all participants in the chain, what
will happen in the future with wheat is in our hands, the challenges are
immense but the strength of the group is unbeatable " .
He stressed that "from 2015, when the government changed, all the obstacles
that prevented the development of wheat were eliminated. This resulted in
an increase in planted area and production, unlike a past that was based on
a closed view of the economy, which resulted in the worst production of
this crop in decades ".
In that sense, Etchevehere stressed that "from that moment began a long
work by reinserting Argentina in the world, without imposing anything, all
working at the same table, looking for a link between the public and
private sectors to move forward on things that seemed impossible, like 3
record harvests, as bitrenes such as Safe Harvest program, such as
diversification of export markets. this is why we have to continue working
together to achieve a better future. "
Closing Panel on Institutional Innovation and Sustainable Development
participated ministers of Agriculture of Córdoba, Sergio Busso;
Agribusiness in the province of Buenos Aires, Leonardo Sarquís; and
Secretary of Agriculture of Santa Fe, Juan Manuel Medina.
Mesa del Trigo
Before closing, the Secretary of Agribusiness led a new Bureau meeting
Competitiveness Trigo, where he said that "this is the way, no doubt. If
there was progress is because we listen to each other in the same area
because it suggests that you want to chain and project seeks common
ground "and concluded that" are all things that we face no magic solutions,
but building together, so it is necessary to get broader goals to lead the
wheat chain to a future better".
During the meeting, which was also attended by Secretary of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries, Guillermo Bernaudo; Undersecretary of Agriculture,
Luis Urriza; and the Director of Agriculture, Ignacio Garciarena; He
discussed the possibility of creating a national brand wheat; on a legal
framework for the activity (Seed Act; Good Agricultural Practices and
Fertilizer Act) and the importance of generating a map of sampling and
product quality.
In addition, Undersecretary of Agricultural Markets, Jesus Silveyra, gave
an overview on the current state of negotiations that are carried out for
opening new markets and subsequently issues related to value added and to
the image of derivative products were analyzed; commercial informality; and
finally the question of price and quality of wheat was addressed.
The meeting was attended by industry associations, chambers of commerce,
representatives of the AFIP, Senasa, and ministers of the producing