Tuesday June 11, 2019
Anticorruption Office (OA) organized the June 7 meeting a new Integrity
Network State Owned Enterprises, in conjunction with the Secretariat of
Institutional Strengthening Chief of Staff.
The event was held in Argentine Train Operations and was attended by
Marcelo Orfila, President of Trains Argentinos; Fernando Sánchez, Secretary
of Institutional Strengthening; and Laura Alonso, Secretary of Public
Ethics, Transparency and Combating Corruption.
As for the participating companies, representatives of General Ports
Administration, Aerolineas Argentinas, ARSAT, aysa, Banco Nacion, Mint,
Correo Argentino, Corporation Argentina Puerto Madero, Coviara, Dioxitek,
EANA, Military Industries, and Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA
The aim of the meeting was to talk about the regime of conflicts of
interest in public enterprises and delve into the different guidelines to
address them. Carina Larocca, Integrity Policy Coordinator of the