reedit the first experience in different parts of the country, which will
address various topics was conducted productive.
Thursday June 13, 2019
The Ministry of Government Agricultural Industry of the Nation, through the
Ministry of Family Agriculture, Coordination and Territorial Development,
participated in the Merced, Paclín Department, the first edition of the Day
of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (jater) a enabling the joint
space between the Directorate of Technological Innovation for Small
Producers, INTA and SENASA.
The activity was led by Undersecretary of Family Agriculture and Regional
Development, Felipe Crespo; Minister of Production of the Province of
Catamarca, Daniel Zelarayán, and the mayor of Paclin, Orlando Savio.
"What we see here today is the result of joint work between the municipal,
provincial and national state," said Crespo. He added: "Since we want our
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