Wednesday June 19, 2019
Out of a total of 156 works santafesinas schools, 100 are already
completed, 48 running and 8 transfer process to the province. These
projects benefit 26,880 students from kindergartens and nursery; primary
and secondary schools; and technical and rural schools. The investment made
by Nation is $ 1,885,539,785.
This building complex construction work and improvement in schools
throughout the Argentina forward leads the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Science and Technology of the Nation along with each of the 24
For kindergartens and nursery schools, there are 50 works and 36
respectively. At baseline, 18 gardens are finished running 24 and 8 in the
process of transfer to the province. Meanwhile, gardens for children aged
between 45 days and 3 years old, 35 are completed and one running. It is
estimated that enrollment totals over 15,000 boys and girls.
In elementary and secondary schools, they are being carrie...